Indian Mountaineer Bhawna Dehariya plays Holi at ‘Mount Kosciuszko' AustraliaAustralia, 10th Mar 2020: After climbing the highest peak of the continent Africa 'Mount Kilimanjaro' on Diwali, Indian Everester Bhawna Dehariya successfully climbed the another highest peak of Australia 'Mount Kosciuszko' on the day of festival Holi, Monday.Disseminating the beauty of Indian culture at the peak, Bhawna played colours and promoted Indian culture. Expressing her journey, Bhawna says "I feel fortunate enough that I celebrated two biggest festivals of India at the mountain peaks. Earlier also I did my Africa summit of Mount Kilimanjaro on the occasion of Diwali on November 27th 2019 and this time also I did my summit of Australia on the occasion of Holi. Thus, these summits will be so memorable to me."This summit was supported by the Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board (MPTB)",for which Bhawna has expressed her gratitude towards the board wholeheartedly. Bhawna reached Australia on March 6th and completed the summit on March 10th. She unfurled the national tricolor flag at the peak. Besides, she promoted the Madhya Pradesh 'Tourism' and 'Adventure Sports' by displaying bannner at the peak. She also met Indian ambassador there and will return to Bhopal on March 12th, Wednesday.Notably, Bhawna is one among the first women from Madhya Pradesh to climb the Mount Everest on May 22, 2019. She has also climbed Mount Aconcagua, South America reaching height of 6500 meters on December 31, 2019; Mount Manirang, Himachal Pradesh, covering 6593 meters summit in August 2018 and Mount DKD 2nd (5670 meters) Ghadwal summit in 2017.
Indian Mountaineer Bhawna Dehariya completes Australia Highest peak 'Mount Kosciuszko' Summit